LETTERS: Vote Melanie Levesque for Executive Council

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To the Editor:

Even though my current Executive Councilor has been in office since 2021, I have never heard from him, seen him in my town, nor spoken with him. Yet I have read about his secret votes in Council meetings and his denial of funding to Planned Parenthood for reproductive healthcare and sexual health clinics. His votes denied healthcare to pregnant women, testing for sexually transmitted infections, and general wellness care to many.

On November 5 you have a choice. Melanie Levesque cares about the future and well-being of her constituents. While my State Senator and afterwards I heard from her, saw her face-to-face in my town, and spoke to her. Rather than taking extreme positions like her opponent, Melanie uses good judgment and listens to people regardless of political leanings. She will support women’s healthcare and those who provide it.

We need someone in the Executive Council who puts our communities and people first. We need Melanie Levesque. On November 5, vote for leadership. Vote for Melanie.

Signed, Deni Dickler

NH Voter

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