How often did your elected officials show up for work this year?

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Your boss probably keeps close track of your attendance at work, along with other metrics about your job performance. Still, many of us don’t stop to consider how often our elected officials attend votes at the State House. With the New Hampshire Legislature on summer break, it’s time to ask “how often did my elected representatives show up to work?” 

Tai chi in the park for the mind, body and soul – and a sense of community

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On this Friday the group has gathered in the shade of the gazebo. The Uncanoonuc Mountains are visible across the valley and a breeze slides up the hill and gently fans the practitioners. Their teacher, Meghan Rice-Frades, begins by leading them through a brief warm-up. The class consists of people who range from newbies to people who have been doing it for years.

Nashua’s Holman Stadium becomes part of the Black Heritage Trail of NH

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The shrine to baseball that was Ebbets Field is gone, but the shrine to the triumph of the human spirit over the tragedy that was racial segregation in America that is Holman Stadium, remains. And that shrine was honored Tuesday night when Nashua’s historic baseball park became the eighth memorial on the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire.