Mayoral finalists hold cordial Chamber of Commerce debate

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Thursday’s Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Debate was sponsored by Eversource, Bellwether Community Credit Union and Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, Moderator Scott Spradling joked that it could have been sponsored by the Hallmark Channel given the cordiality between candidates Kevin Cavanaugh and Jay Ruais.

City to end trash pickup Dec. 1 for landlords of buildings with 5+ apartments

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“If they’re going to provide me with less services, I think I should get a tax abatement,” said Bill Stergios who owns a 21-unit apartment building at 150 Bridge St. where Julian’s Breakfast Place was located. “They say tenants need more affordable housing and now they’re making it more expensive for the tenants because landlords will have an excuse to raise the rents even higher.  They’re hurting the people they said they intend to protect.”

Free rides for voters: Manchester Transit Authority expanding service for Election Day

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The Manchester Transit Authority will be expanding its services to offer free rides to and from the polls for Manchester residents on Election Day. This service will cover all 12 wards and will begin on Tuesday, September 19 and extend to the general election on Nov. 7 as well.