School board member asks board to consider removing prayer from agenda 

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“When it came time to do the prayer, I watched as everybody else in the horseshoe obediently bowed their heads and folded their hands and I was very confused,” Darling said. “I asked [board president Jen Bishop] what do we do to get rid of this? How do we make the prayer go away? And she said at first, ‘It’ll never happen. The community cares about it too much.’” 

Weather delays work at Stellos but stadium will be complete in time for spring sports, city says

read more…: Weather delays work at Stellos but stadium will be complete in time for spring sports, city says

The stadium – which is owned by the Nashua School District – closed on Oct. 2 due to unsafe conditions of the field. The news came as an upset to the Nashua community, with many residents going before the Board of Aldermen to express their frustration. 

Let Freedom Ring! A celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. held in Nashua

read more…: Let Freedom Ring! A celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. held in Nashua

“Reverend Dr. King’s dedication to pluralism feels particularly relevant at this moment in our world when so many other forces seek to divide us. It was one of Reverend Dr. King’s deep beliefs that we are stronger and better together. And that when we come together, it’s only through that coming together that we can begin to defeat the forces of evil in our world.”