Yester-Heroes: Open doors and anonymous letters

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Police officers, in Nashua and every other city in America, perform a number of services in the course of their job that citizens never see. Since the very beginning of an organized Nashua police force, beat-officers always check for open or unlocked doors on businesses. And since the beginning, open or unlocked doors have always been found.

Lemenade: Mt. Pleasant centennial reminded me how important neighborhood schools are

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I would have gone to the Centennial even if I was not working at the event.  My daughter Lucy went to Mount Pleasant; I was a member of the Mount Pleasant PTO during all the time she was there; and one of the joys of my life was arranging programs for the children at Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasant is where I got to meet and make connections with my neighbors in the North End. Mt. Pleasant is more than a neighborhood school; it is a community hub made up of the most dedicated and compassionate  staff I have ever known.

You heard it here first

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Not unlike millions of Americans throughout our country I have been, shall we say, obsessing over the wild ride known as the presidential election cycle. I have taken a particular interest in the polls for the first time, with the hope of being able to interpret the numbers so I could see who was winning, or going to win. 

Fall prevention Southern NH Health

Essential fall prevention tips for older adults

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The risk of falling increases as we age, and the consequences can be serious. Falls are one of the leading causes of injury in older adults, but the good news is that many falls can be prevented. You can significantly reduce the risk of falling by making simple adjustments to your environment and daily routines. Here are some helpful ways to keep you or your loved ones safe: 

Yester-Heroes: 1893 – A Year of Transition For Nashua PD

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With the advent of a Police Commission, and no longer being driven by the political whims of the mayor or aldermen, by 1893, the complexion of the Nashua Police Department began to change. This may be due to the Commissioners or may be due to a more aggressive and visionary City Marshal… or a combination of both. Gone was the separation between City Watch and Special Officers along with the separate City Watch budget. The department now had its own budget of an amount commensurate with the real needs of the city.

Lemenade: General election

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After all my worries pre-primary, the primary went fine.  People were cheery and nice, for the most part, and things went fairly smoothly.  I realized that I had been worrying for nothing, until we heard a couple of people talk about how they were going to come and challenge people at the general election.


Lemenade: Foodfest

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As children, the Lemen kids ate the food prepared for us: mostly by my mother and my father’s mother.  Grammie Lemen made Lithuanian food: potato pancakes and kielbasa and boiled cottage cheese dumplings and cabbage soup and borscht. For dessert we begged for  what we called twisters, but were actually Žagarėliai, or angelwings (why my grandmother did not call them angelwings is beyond me), a fried dough covered in powdered sugar. 

Yester-Heroes: Testing Equipment, a near catastrophe, and another burned fire house

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When today’s firefighters are not out extinguishing fires or responding to traffic accidents or any of the other vital duties they perform, they are training or maintaining equipment. Things were no different 100 years ago although; back then, there was probably more equipment maintenance than training.