NASHUA, NH – Mayor Jim Donchess has released the schedule of town hall meetings for the nine voting districts of the City, slated to begin February 12.
The Ward meetings are an informal gathering where residents can listen to and speak with the Mayor on Ward-specific or city-related topics.
The hourlong meetings will take place in the cafeterias of the Ward elementary schools. They will primarily be from 6-7 p.m. alternating Wednesdays, with a few exceptions, noted below. This is the current schedule, subject to change:
- Ward 1: FEB 12, Broad Street Elementary School, 390 Broad St.
- Ward 2: FEB 26, Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, 48 Charlotte Ave.
- * Ward 3: MON, MAR 10, Amherst Street Elementary School, 71 Amherst St.
- * Ward 4: MON MAR 31, Ledge Street Elementary School, 139 Ledge St.
- Ward 5: APR 9, Main Dunstable Elementary School, 20 Whitford Road
- Ward 6: APR 23, Fairgrounds Middle School, 27 Cleveland St.
- Ward 7: MAY 14, Dr. Norman Crisp Elementary School, 50 Arlington St.
- Ward 8: MAY 28, Bicentennial Elementary School, 296 East Dunstable Road
- * Ward 9: MON, JUN 9, New Searles Elementary School, 39 Shady Lane
These gatherings are free to attend. Weather-related rescheduling will be announced on the City of Nashua, NH and Mayor Jim Donchess Facebook pages, as well as the City website at https://www.nashuanh.gov/