New collection promotes cost effective and eco-friendly solution for the community.

NASHUA, NH – There’s something “new” going on at the library that will change the way you think about the library.
Nashua Public Library announced on Tuesday a new Library of Things collection, a wide variety of everyday household and non-traditional items that customers can borrow to save money, reduce waste, and continue their lifelong learning.
The collection is launching with 26 items selected by library staff based on a thorough review of customer feedback and market trends. The items are for all ages and include equipment, electronics, games, learning kits, and instruments. As with the library’s book collection, anyone with a Nashua Public Library card in good standing can check out items from the Library of Things for free.

The new collection is the latest in several sustainability initiatives launched by the library over the past two years, including a Seed Library, a puzzle exchange collection, and the Nashua Sustainability Fair.
“I think of the Library of Things as one more way that the library is helping community members reach their personal goals in an affordable and sustainable way,” said Library Director Jennifer McCormack. “Customers can “try before they buy” or borrow items they might only need for special occasions, like our LED projector or puppet theater,” said McCormack.
Customers can easily browse the Library of Things online through the catalog or in the library through peg boards with item tags.
The collection is funded through the library’s general budget and will continue to grow and change in response to community needs and interests. Customers are encouraged to submit purchase suggestions at<>.