NASHUA, NH – On January 14 a reception open to the public will be held for four local artists exhibiting and selling their work at the Sandy Cleary Community Art Gallery, located on the ground floor of the Nashua Center for the Arts on Main Street in downtown Nashua. The doors to the Center open at 4 p.m. with the reception ending at 6 p.m.
Nashua Arts Commissioner Carol Robey, Curator of the Sandy Cleary Gallery, observed, “the Winter rotation features artists working with a wide range of styles and materials.” The exhibition runs through the end of March and all the artwork is available for sale by contacting the artist.

Kathy Bouchard lives in downtown Nashua and has a studio there. A retired librarian, she studied art in her early twenties and has continued throughout her life to explore many artforms. She uses acrylics and sculpting paste along with architectural templates to create an under-paining that gives her work dimension. Contact info: kbouchard2@gmail.com.

Rebecca Fredrickson has a BFA in painting and art education from Massachusetts College of Art. She has shown locally, has had a solo show at Merrimack College, has volunteered with City Arts Nashua, and recently served as Executive Director of an arts organization, the Jaffrey (NH) Civic Center. Her paintings of people are inspired by a diverse array of sources, including her own paintings and photographs, digital collages, and AI-generated images, creating pieces that resonate with both beauty and complexity. Contact Info: rfredrickson@gmail.com.

Carolyn Maul is a professional artist living in Hollis NH who specializes in Ecoprint artwork, a botanical contact print created on watercolor paper after having soaked overnight in an alum solution and binding the plant material securely enough to boil it for an hour. The boiling causes the dyes and tannins from the plants to permanently adhere to the paper fibers. She then often embellishes the Ecoprints with a variety of media. She is a juried member of the NH League of Craftsmen and the NH Art Association and a bord member of the Hollis Arts Society.
Contact info: carolyn@carolynmaulstudioart.com.

Denise Thompson-Coutu has worked in the arts all her life, from being a sign painter, muralist, antique frame restorer, theater set painter, jewelry maker/metalsmith, then a graphic design and now a private teacher of fine art with her own business. Her artwork on display includes landscape, still life, and portrait, in acrylic, oil and mixed media. She holds a BFA from Tufts University and a Diploma in Fine Arts from the Museum School of Fine Arts in Boston. Contact Info: thompsongraphic@comcast.net .
Nashua Community Arts and the Nashua Arts Commission are collaborating to provide Spectacle Live, the operator of the facility, with planning, operation, and management of the gallery. Exhibitions include recognized local artists, emerging artists, and student artists with a goal of reflecting the demographics of Nashua, the most diverse city in New Hampshire.
The mission of the nonprofit Nashua Community Arts includes supporting the Nashua Center for the Arts to ensure it is a community cultural facility that enhances quality of life, serves as a resource and gathering place for the community and links the arts and cultural activities to the community at large, making them accessible to all. The Nashua Arts Commission includes support of the Nashua Center for the Arts in its Arts and Culture Plan adopted by the Board of Aldermen in 2022.
The Nashua Center for the Arts, managed by Spectacle Live, is located at 201 Main Street in downtown Nashua, NH. For program schedules, tickets and additional information go to www.nashuacenterforthearts.com