Committee on Infrastructure authorizes sale of surplus property, stop signs and ‘No Parking’ zones

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March 27. Infrastructure meeting. Screenshot

NASHUA, NH – The Committee on Infrastructure authorized the sale of surplus property at “L” Pine Street and 3 Pine Street Extension at their meeting on March 27. Additionally, they authorized the Mayor to enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the “Nimco Site” at 1 Pine Street Extension, 3 Pine Street Extension, and “L” Pine Street. 

L Pine Street (“Lot 77-7”)

The committee also authorized a stop sign at Danbury Road at its interaction with Watson Street to be located on the northwest corner. This was recommended by Senior Traffic Engineer Wayne Husband who had asked Aldermen Dowd – a committee member – to sponsor the legislation, noting that a stop sign would reinforce appropriately yielding and should reduce uncertainty. 

A school safety zone and two school zone flashing speed limit signs on Buckmeadow Road were authorized by the committee. 

During public comment, Gloria McCarthy of the Conservation Commission wanted to be sure that the signs would only be flashing during or around school hours. She said that there is conservation land in this area and animals would be disturbed if the lights were flashing at night. 

Alderman Dowd said he would find answers to this question and is currently still waiting for a definite answer. 

The committee also authorized legislation that prohibits parking on the north side of a section of Arlington Avenue, on the east side of a section of Tolles Street, on the south side of a section of Lock Street, and on the north side of a section of Lake Street. 

Alderman Klee – who is on the committee – recommended a definite postponement of a petition for the discontinuance of Mar Lane, a “paper street.” All were in favor. 

During public comment, attorney Israel Piedra – representing Juan Ocasio, owner and resident and 15 Quinton Drive – spoke to the petition for Street Discontinuance discussed at the previous committee meeting on Feb. 28, recommending that the committee take a “belt and suspenders approach and remove any doubt by recommending passage of the discontinuance petition.” 

15 Quinton Drive.

At the previous meeting, Piedra explained that Mar Lane connects Quinton and Curtis Drive and is contiguous to Ocasio’s yard.

Ocasio said that the previous owner of the property informed him that he had the option to purchase Mar Lane, which is what led him to eventually create the petition. He hopes for Mar Lane to be discontinued for the sake of his family’s privacy and safety, as strangers currently walk through his yard.

Alderman Klee said, “The reason I’m recommending definite postponement is based on council and their recommendation that there is no need for this, that it has already been discontinued.”

“I know that during public comment it was mentioned that there’d be no harm no foul. I believe that council has indicated kind of the opposite of that, that the best thing to do would be to indefinitely postpone it, make no action on it because action has already happened based on the law of the land at the time,” Klee added.

Community Development Director Matt Sullivan said, “My caution to the committee this evening … is simply that ‘belt and suspenders’ is appropriate, but in this case the suspenders being applied are, in fact, not something that will have any import in this case. It will be ineffective at providing additional legal protection simply because the committee should always take caution in taking actions on things that it has no authority to take action on.”

He encouraged the public to explore their own rights through civil process and securing legal counsel if they believe they have rights to use Mar Lane, but that would have no bearing on the motion.