Variance request for Granite Street property again denied after tense Zoning Board hearing

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The Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) on Tuesday night once again denied a variance request for a second principal structure on a single lot at 36 Granite Street. Tensions were high with disagreements between board members and the applicant’s attorney, Chris Swiniarski, and comments were shouted out from the audience during testimony from both Swiniarski and an individual who spoke in opposition to the request.

Disc golf course at Roby Park: ‘There’s no impact except the joy it’s going to bring kids and families and maybe even some of you’

read more…: Disc golf course at Roby Park: ‘There’s no impact except the joy it’s going to bring kids and families and maybe even some of you’

After two hours of testimony, the Zoning Board of Adjustment voted Tuesday in favor of a wetland special exemption allowing for a proposed 18-hole disc golf course in Roby Park.