“Innovation Unbound” at the 7th Annual Innovate NH event hosted by Sentor Hassan

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“The drive to innovate and create is an essential part of who we are as Granite Staters. From our state’s very beginning, we Granite Staters have always been building and looking for ways to make things better. This spirit of innovation is why a small state like ours was able to help build and later modernize much of the U.S. Navy at the Portsmouth Shipyard. It’s why our mill yards were once world leaders in the textile industry, and why some of those same mill yards are now used for advanced manufacturing, like bio-fabrication, to make artificial organs for patients who need them,” said the Senator.

Letters: A vote for Jon Kiper is a vote for our future

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As one of the few state lawmakers with young children, my efforts to set up our children and grandchildren for success are often met with resistance. Working parents of young children struggle for representation in our lawmaking process, making necessary economic progress infuriatingly slow. Fortunately, a working parent is running for governor: Jon Kiper.