New England’s Democratic leaders kick off canvas in Manchester

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Senator Hassan continued with the theme of doing the work of elections to make a difference.

“Here’s a number that a lot of people in this room have heard me say a time or two, which is 1,017 votes. That’s the number of votes that you all helped me win my first election for the United States Senate by, right?  1,017 votes is what made the difference between being able to stop the Republicans in 2017 when they tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 1,017 votes in New Hampshire saved health care for 28 million Americans.”

House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries campaigns with Goodlander and Democrats in Hollis

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U.S. House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries traveled to the Granite State Wednesday to support Democratic candidates on the November ballot. He was the headliner for 2nd Congressional District Democratic nominee Maggie Goodlander’s campaign rally in Hollis. 

NH Democratic Party kicks off the general Election Campaign in Nashua

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Democratic congressional members, Democratic candidates, and party leaders gathered in a Nashua backyard Sunday to begin the home stretch to the general election campaign.  Coming on the heels of last Tuesday’s state primary and a party unity breakfast Thursday, this event was a canvass launch for the Harris-Walz campaign and the down-ballot ticket. 

Congressman Ro Khanna campaigns with Democrats in Nashua

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On Thursday U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna, D-CA, traveled to the Granite State to campaign on behalf of the Harris-Walz ticket and for local and state Democratic candidates. A gathering was hosted at the Nashua home of State Representative Latha Mangipudi (Hillsborough-11).  About 30 local officeholders, candidates, and Democratic activists attended the backyard event.

Rhode Island Congressman Gabe Amo kicks off ‘Weekend of Action’ in NH

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On Saturday morning about 20 volunteers and supporters gathered in the Biden-Harris campaign office in downtown Nashua. They were there for the Weeknd of Action, a program of canvassing, phone banks, and volunteer activities across the Granite State.

US Congressman Gabe Amo traveled from his home state of Rhode Island and was accompanied by NH State Representative Latha Mangipuidi for this stop in Nashua.