Project ‘right on track’ and will be ready to open in the fall.

NASHUA, NH – A sign on Buckmeadow Road reading Brian S. McCarthy Middle School marks the entrance to the newest addition to Nashua’s inventory of public schools. As you drive up the entrance drive you begin to see a rather large and impressive building and grounds of the new campus. You also see a parking lot full of tradesman trucks, and equipment with all kinds of work in process on the building exterior and landscaping.

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The school interior is nearly complete with only last minute detail needing completion. The halls and classrooms are absent desks and students, look much like they will look when the school opens in the fall.
The construction of the new Brian S. McCarthy Middle School is nearly complete and “right on track” to be completed as scheduled for opening according to George Huggins, Project Superintendent for Harvey Construction the construction manager for the project. Working with an “overall great design, and a great plan by the Nashua School District” the project has come a long way.

Starting construction on the tail of the COVID pandemic era presented unique challenges in the supply chain and labor to overcome. With foresight and coordination between Harvey, the school district, and the budget committee timely purchases of materials were made so critical materials were on hand when they needed to be installed.
Labor presented another challenge. This project involved over 30 sub-contractors and at the peak of construction, over 200 people were working on the project. Right now about 70-90 are working, mostly on the exterior to get the job to the finish line. Every trade has been working in a tight labor market and run with lean crews making accomplishing the deadline a bigger challenge.

One of the construction’s final steps is the city building authorities’ inspection process. The Nashua Ink Link encountered the Nashua Fire Department on the site mid-inspection. Fire Marshal Micheal DuvVarney reports that inspections are going smoothly and that working with Harvey has been professional and orderly.
He also commented on the facility itself, “It’s beautiful, the students and the city are lucky to have this, it’s incredible.”
When asked what he wanted Nashua to know about the project George Huggins responded, “I think they have a beautiful building, I think they have a well thought out plan and I think the superintendent, the principal, and all the political people involved have shone a lot foresight and a lot of planning.”
Walking the halls and grounds of the school it looks like the plans were well executed. All that is needed is a busy summer, some desks, teachers, and students to finish.

DAN SPLAINE – Photographer/Contributor
Nashua native Dan Splaine is a commercial photographer who creates images for businesses. A strong belief in the value of local independent journalism, his Nashua roots, and his extensive background in photojournalism make contributing to the NASHUA INK LINK a natural choice.
After working in dozens of countries and throughout the US on assignments Dan will happily go local and turn his lens to capture lives and living in the Gate City. You can see his work and learn about his photography services and workshops by going to his website.