Below are the monthly and year end charts of suspected opioid OD statistics for Nashua & Manchester, NH through December 2024.
I have also included updated charts of EMS responses to the 3 unhoused persons shelters in Manchester which look at the number of suspected opioid ODs and overall EMS demand.
AMR medics responded to a total of 38 suspected opioid ODs in Nashua and Manchester during December 2024. 27 in Manchester and 11 in Nashua. That is the lowest 1-month suspected opioid OD response total in nearly 5 years.
2 of the December opioid ODs were suspected opioid OD deaths. Both were in Manchester.
2024 suspected opioid overdoses and deaths were significantly lower in both Nashua & Manchester. Nashua recorded both the lowest number of suspected opioid ODs in one year and the lowest number of suspected opioid deaths in one year since AMR began tracking them in 2015.
- Manchester recorded 24% less suspected opioid overdoses in 2024 than the previous year.
- Nashua recorded 19% less suspected opioid overdoses in 2024 than previous year.
- Manchester recorded 21% less suspected opioid deaths in 2024 than the previous year.
- Nashua recorded 49% less suspected opioid deaths in 2024 than the previous year.
The significant decrease in opioid overdose deaths is consistent with the statewide statistics reported in the NH Drug Data Update from the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

2024 was certainly an encouraging year in the battle to reduce opioid related deaths and help people into and maintain, long term recovery. It was one of the most significant years we have seen for progress. Keep in mind that due to the nature of the opioid epidemic and its clear history of unpredictability, it is always possible that this trend could quickly change. It is common to see different varieties of illicit poly substances appear without warning. Many can be highly lethal or require alternative approaches for successful lifesaving treatment. By way of example, just this past weekend there was a triple opioid overdose event in Nashua.
In NH, anyone can seek substance use disorder treatment by accessing the NH Doorway program 24/7. To access the NH Doorway program, call 2-1-1 at any time of the day or night, or visit www.thedoorway.nh.gov. If you believe someone is overdosing call 9-1-1 immediately.
To help prevent death, it is critical that people who use illicit drugs do not use them alone and have Narcan readily available. Narcan is available throughout New Hampshire at most pharmacies. It is available free of charge from local public health departments & any NH Doorway location. It is completely safe and easy to administer. Narcan is now available over the counter, meaning it is available without a prescription to anyone.
As always, if anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!